With today’s image of being physically fit and trim, a growing popularity for both exercise and dieting exists in our society. Both of these activities, while being very positive, tend to put stress on the body. YU-CCAN has addressed this concern by developing B-FIT. This amazing product is a unique combination of pure herbal extracts, scientifically blended to enhance the metabolism while also giving support to every organ and gland in the body. Truly a product that promotes good health.
Ingredients That Make a Difference
Eliminates parasites, improves goiter and kidney functions, increases thyroid activity and absorbs water in the intestines to produce bulk.
Glandular balancer, especially lymphatic and liver areas. Also blood purifier, antiseptic and anti-infection. Helps boost immune response. Good for boils, blood poisoning, carbuncles, and pus diseases, snake and spider bites. Is effective in restoring normal immune function in patients receiving chemotherapy.
Strengthens the entire endocrine glandular system. Promotes mental and physical vigour, stamina, endurance, metabolism, appetite and digestion. Mildly stimulates the central nervous system. Also helpful in problems arising in menopause such as hot flashes and irregular periods. Enhances lung and immune functions. Good for cocaine withdrawal and radiation protection.
Enhances overall liver function. Regenerates liver cells and protects them against the action of liver poisons (leukotrienes). Increases the production of bile, used for the breakdown of fats.
Controls general malfunction of the body due to uric acid retention. Assists all inflammatory conditions of the bladder, kidney, and urethra. Good for hypertension, edema, urinary tract dysfunction, stones, bedwetting, and enlarged prostate gland.
Good for nervousness. Acts as a antioxidant and a sedative. Relieves gas and has a calming effect on the digestive system. Used in incontinence of dropsical urine and liver problems.
CAPSICUM (Cayenne)
A catalyst for all herbs. Improves circulation, helps arteries, veins and capillaries retain their elasticity. Soothes and rebuilds stomach tissue and is therefore an excellent aid in healing intestinal and stomach ulcers. Good for the heart, lungs, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, and stomach.
Contains a potent antibacterial agent against tooth decay and gall bladder problems. Also used in the treatment of gout, catarrh, and anemia.